Big Sky, Montana
Big Sky, Montana
Difficulty: Easy
Trailhead Parking
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Distance: 1.6 from Ousel Falls Trailhead
5.6 from Town Center
Difficulty: Easy
Uses: Hike, bike, equestrian (horses allowed from trailhead to junction of First Yellow Mule Trail)
Parking: Parking lot at Ousel Falls Trailhead off of Ousel Falls Road
Seasons: Year round (trail can be icy in the winter, snowshoes or Yaktraks are recommended)
Dog Policy: Dogs allowed on-leash
Amenities: Outhouse, benches, picnic tables, self-guided interpretive hike, fishing access[/two-thirds][clearfix]

Beehive Basin Road
Mountain Village Area
Big Sky, Montana
Difficulty: Easy
Dogs are allowed
Hiking and Equestrian trail
June – September

Difficulty: Easy
Distance: 6-Miles In/Out
Summer: June – September
Winter: October – May
Dog Policy: Allowed
Big Vistas

- Trailhead Elevation: 6,581 ft. (2,005 m)
- Net Elevation Gain: 2,516 ft. (766 m)
- Maps: USGS Ousel Falls, Lincoln Mtn, Sunshine Peak – Beartooth Publishing
- Lat 45° 07.800′ W’ 111° 16,000′[/two-thirds]